
My name is Oleg Kagan, I’m a writer, librarian, and a few other things. Sign up for my weekly newsletter, Hello, My Friends. If you want to know what's going on with me right now, check out my Now page.


  • Another Shelf Talks interview is posted. Author Suzanne Stauffer and I talk dig into the history of train food in the wild west and writing historical mystery novel! See it here: Shelf Talks #11: Suzanne
  • A new Shelf Talks interview is up! Check out Shelf Talks #10: Cindy. If you're a fan of Disneyland, this one is definitely for you!
  • I have a chapter called "Overcoming Barriers to Library Empowerment for Immigrants and Other Non-Mainstream Groups" appearing in Librarians with Spines: Vol III (HINCHAS Press, 2022). The book is available over at the publisher's website.
  • My book Inspiring Library Stories: Tales of Kindness, Connection, and Community Impact (HINCHAS Press, 2020) is out! Order your copy here!
  • My poems "Im-Possession" and "He's a baby and he sees" were selected for inclusion in the anthology, Creation and the Cosmos (Raw Earth Ink, 2020). Get it here.