
Over the years, I have led two writers groups, helped many individual writers with their work, and founded an online publication. In 2020, I edited Dr. David Meyer's book, Injured to Elite: A Guide To Empowering Yourself to Transform Your Life After Injury. Below are the editing services I offer:

  • The conceptual: Working with the writer to generate ideas and bring shape to a manuscript or article. Who’s that guy blowing clouds for your brainstorm? That’s me!
  • Place, plot, and person: A draft is in progress or complete, and I am there to examine every argument, narrative device, character, and more. I’m analyzing the work at the level of chapters and pages, through-lines, and character arcs.

Besides focusing on the text, I also focus on the person. If you have a book idea, but aren’t sure where to go next, I can help. I especially love working with people who don’t consider themselves writers, but feel like they have something important to say. I’m not concerned about bad grammar or spelling, copyeditors can help with that. I only require that my clients have a strong work ethic; if you have the discipline to get your ass in the chair (or to your standing desk, or write from bed like an aristocrat) and do the work, I will show up for you every step of the way.

If you need help with editing, accountability, or developing an interesting idea, do get in touch.